Monday, April 21, 2008

Have new ideas now for aforementioned foody book. We begin in the garden. And the images are of the food as it exists in its first generation - seedlings. All gently watched over by the dinosaur (and Fluff - lurking). Broccoli, silver beet, snow peas, cauliflower (out of shot), curry plant, carrots, lettuce (also out of shot), and the remnants of the corn (good name for a movie no? Remnants of The Corn! Or was it Children?), from the spring planting.
The corn was surprisingly educational. Not one cob achieved edibility status; they all tried their hardest and gave the impression they were doin' their developing thang, but come harvest tahm (all of a sudden I have a southern american accent), nuthin but a darn'd empty cob on the inside! I'm told its due solely to not enough water. Well. Of Course! At least it wasn't cause I lost the ancestral farming gene.

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